Thursday, May 1, 2014

Comparison, Jesus and Rachel McAdams.

Through high school and most of college I struggled with comparing myself to others. 
Which is never edifying, comparison either leads us feeling prideful or jealous. 
Thankfully Jesus recently liberated me from this painful and captivating sin 
by teaching me how to see Him through others. 
We all manifest different aspects of His awesomeness. 
And, that should lead us to a place of worship, not envy. 

The soul-filled poet who crafts words into something magical. 
The artist who creates something no one else could imagine. 
The mechanic who takes parts and makes them work as a whole. 
The athlete who pushes their mental and physical strength to the limit. 
The fashionista, the singer, the tycoon, the dancer. 
They all represent Jesus in different, tiny, fragmented ways. 
He is the source of all their abilities. 

So instead of being envious of these differences, He has taught me to delight in them. 
To delight in the truth that for as wonderfully funny as Rachel McAdams is, it's a just a sample of true humor. 
Because He'll be funnier. 
 He created laughter, jokes and gave script writers their imagination. 
 I'll get to hang out with Him, enjoying His wit, for FOREVER. 
So instead of trying to be everyone else I want to find the aspects of God that 
He intends to reveal through me. 
I think God created us all with passions, interests and dreams 
to be chased for His glory. 
Personally I'm a  yoga-loving, forest-exploring, book-reading, kale-eating, dreaming, soul.  
Embodying His love for creation, literature, healthy living and possibilities. 

Everyone has been specially designed, there is not a person alive who does not image God.
"So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them."
Genesis 1:27

Think about how He specifically created you to mirror Himself. 
What sets you apart, making you unique? 

May we all be everything He created, desires and intends us to be. 
May we squeeze Jesus from every moment of our earthly sojourning. 
Because Jesus squeezed moments leave us breathless. 
They are tiny glimpses of heaven. 

Learning more about heaven really means learning more about Jesus. 
Because He is what makes heaven our wondrous, glorious and satisfying home. 
All of the coolness from the people around us is an itsy-bitsy reflection of His coolness. 
A coolness to be celebrated for eternity. 

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